Tuesday 11 April 2017

he ain't heavy, he's my brother

(to my brother, on his almost birthday, with his permission)

take care of your little brother
she said

maybe she did
maybe she didn't

but i heard her anyway

and took it/him to heart

so i fed him bits of bird and stone and bone 
and gut and cloud and tongue

protect your little brother
she said

maybe she did
maybe she didn't

but i heard her anyway

and took it/him to heart

for lack of sword, i sharpened my gaze
for lack of armour, i iron-sheeted my chest
for lack of dragons, i made some up

so i could scare him good

then save him

carry your little brother
she said

maybe she did
maybe she didn't 

but i heard her anyway

and took it/him to heart

when he bathed, i gathered his bruises 
from beside the tub, 
and tattooed them under my skin

when he slept, i breathed in
his sadness, his rage, his bewilderment
and remembered to  never exhale

he grew

i failed

maybe she said it 
maybe she didn't

but i heard her anyway

nothing short
of swallowing him
would have done

i failed

so glad

i failed

so glad

i failed

he is heavy

of a weight 
his own 

that i could never

and therefore


had to

he's my brother

Monday 10 April 2017

side door

i want to tell you
a secret
they may not have told you
(they didn't tell me)

like all secrets,
it's been hiding
in full view

(you will most certainly
recognise it
from harry potter,
alice in wonderland,
sleeping beauty,
and other great
modern artists)

the secret is a door

that keeps changing shape

(a hole in a tree, the arch between two legs, an opening in the forest that looks nearly like a path, the space between your baby's teeth)

but is always there,
recognisably itself

on the side, and small

it is a door to love, patience, time, peace of mind, joy, acceptance, connection, truth, freedom


... whatever else you are seeking

(have lost, wish to find)

unlike other

that lead to all these things (love, patience, time, presence) (lost, found) and more

this one does not

require you to have

read the small print, followed the steps, found your teacher, taken the medicine, practised the sequence, chanted the mantra, gone through the moves, taken your time, solved the problem, formulated the question, found an answer, discovered a solution, accepted the inevitable, developed a theory, gained experience, made peace with your childhood, examined your soul, fixed the leaks (in your bucket or your heart), resolved the tension, worked through the anger, embraced the sadness, or any

of the other things you could (you can, you might, i know i will)

spend a lifetime doing (and oh, it would, it will, be life well-spent)

it is open to
at all times
without ticket
or proof that you are

worthy, ready, or deserving

just turn your head
one quarter (or so) (this ain't no newton physics)
to the right
to the left
whichever way you fancy


see it?

you can open it (it's never locked)

and any time,
walk through


just in case you all think i stopped writing: i haven't.

i've been writing on umbilical cords, that's all.

i wrote a letter to my daughter, and watching her read it from first to last word was an act of courage and self-love.

then a letter to my mother started shadowing me. i could hear it rustle behind me in the dry forest leaves, but every time i turned around it was gone. i could feel it lying close to me in bed at night, but it turned transparent and disappeared slowly as the dawn turned to light. also, it kept changing. its contents. its shape.

i sat myself down to write it anyway, come what may, and all i got was a painful little poem. it went like this

      Chère maman,

                 a letter to my 
                too scary.
               wait a little.
                 Try again?


nothing but the truth will do. no matter how little. no matter how painful. as long as it's true.

start small then. small but straight.

the truth is that i don't remember how to tell the truth to my mother.

and now for the courage to tell her, rather than you...