Sunday 19 February 2017

footnote and reference

how do you write a footnote to a blog post?

a few hours after publishing the 'February' post, i received a book in the mail. i want to say this was a magical intervention, because i've ordered this book four times since late October, and four times it failed to arrive, and then it did (arrive), with perfect halleluja timing...

here is an excerpt from page 9:

"This is uncharted territory. It's dark, moist, bloody, and lonely. I see no allies, no comfort, no signs out. I feel scraped open and raw. I look for the dismembered parts of myself - something recognizable -  but there are only fragments, and I don't know how to put them together. This is unlike any struggle I've had before. It's not the conquest of the other, it's coming face to face with myself. I walk naked looking for the Mother. Looking to reclaim the parts of myself that have not seen the light of day. They must be here in the darkness. They wait for me to find them because they no longer trust. I have disowned them before. They are my treasures but I have to dig for them. This journey is not about some fairy god-mother showing me the way out. I dig... for patience, for the courage to endure the dark, for the perseverance not to rise to the light prematurely, cutting short my meeting with the Mother."


Reading it i realised this is not just the best description of February ever . It's where i am, have been, still am, will remain for a while. At least two years now, of moving down, down, down, deeper into the darkness. and although i am tired, and bruised, and lonely, it's too soon, too soon to rise towards air and light.

so i dig... here too, in these virtual pages, in your deeply reassuring presence, i dig. for patience, for courage, for perseverance.

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